Friday, November 19, 2010

Cover Rabbit Cage At Night?

chickpeas MoFo

I chickpea rage today.
My favorite ways to eat chick peas ...

- Hummus, of course.
I like all kinds of hummus, except too spicy. With olives, eggplant, vegetables, garlic, artichokes. It's a shame because in my grocery store, only Fontaine Santé Products are available. At the grocery store to our former home in Montreal, we had a choice of at least 4 brands! But anyway, nothing beats a hot hummus handmade with freshly cooked chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and a little parsley.

-Chickpea cutlet
A classic (already!) now well known all over the web since the release of Veganomicon by IsaChandra . You can find the recipe here . Must feel like a mixture of legume and gluten, and digestive system strong enough, but the texture and taste are extraordinary.

-roasted chickpeas with cumin
unfortunately I can not remember more about what blog I found the idea, but it is absolutely simple and delicious. Take a stick of chickpeas (or cooked chickpeas) spread on a cookie sheet, brush with olive oil and put a ridiculously high amount of cumin with a little salt and pepper, then bake at about 425 until peas are golden brown and slightly crisp on the surface. Yum. to eat as is or with a vegetable dish.

-salad "tuna" tuna
not do what I like to sometimes mix for dinner. The mixture all the ingredients really gives a taste of tuna sandwich.
A little mayo, a little cider vinegar, salt, olive oil, cane crushed in chickpea-potato battery, baby spinach, cut into small strips, flakes of sea kelp, dulse (Canadian red seaweed) cut into small pieces, capers .. In a bowl, mixed, and it's all good.


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